Carpool between the station and your destination

Tailor-made carpooling between the station and the address of your choice

A car reserved just for you and your loved ones

You only pay when your driver is confirmed

Zen by Blablacar

“Finally a practical and affordable solution for getting from the station to your accommodation for the weekend!
The driver was friendly and very accommodating. ”

Sandrine, Paris

Why use Zen ?

Less waiting

Less waiting, more free time

No more waiting at the station! Your carpooler picks you up at your arrival time

Save money

Small trips, big savings

Zen is the most affordable way to reach a specific destination

Book your journey

So simple, so Zen

Book your trip up to 3 weeks in advance, cancel free of charge up to 2 hours before departure

Eco-friendly transport

An ecological means of transport

You reduce your carbon footprint by favoring carpooling

How does it work


Indicate your route

Define your target route between the station and the address of your choice (day, time, number of passengers, luggage, etc.)


Pay when driver is confirmed

We offer your request to all available drivers who make a similar trip


A driver at the station upon your arrival

Your driver will meet you at your arrival time at the station


A direct journey to your destination

Your driver drops you and your loved ones off at the address of your choice